Friday, October 12, 2012

girly pumpkin decorating

We picked up some white pumpkins at the store. I knew they had to be girly and easy to do. They are pretty tiny so we opted not to carve them. Here is what we came up with. Pink chevron and purple polka dots. Perfect for a little girl and simple enough for them to join in. 

Glitter glue purchased at Michael's for $1.00 a piece. Such a deal!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

most loved baby products - Angelcare Baby Monitor

This week I'm going to be featuring my most LOVED baby products!
First up: the BEST baby monitor

We recieved the Angelcare Baby Movement & Sound Monitor as a gift and it is by far my FAVORITE baby item. You put the sensor underneath the crib mattress and it detects movement (breathing), it sounds an alarm if after 20 seconds no movement is detected. Let me tell you...this is worth it for my piece of mind. We recieved ours off our registry and is discounted from the price in stores to $99.00, which is awesome! They even have ones with cameras if you want to watch your little one!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

coconut oil

I can't believe that I was almost 30 by the time I bought Coconut Oil. I bought mine from for around $9.00. I was missing out. In addition to putting in it my green smoothie every day, I have found so many uses for it in my life! I thought I would share some. Plus it smells yummy!

Uses I have found are:
cradle cap (works wonders)
face moisturizer
hair mask
gets rid of dandruff
helps with little ones ezcema
diaper rash
makeup remover

You can find more uses here - 80 uses for Coconut Oil

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Kelly's Kids

I recently discovered Kelly's Kids after we recieved a beautiful bishop dress as a baby gift.
I was in love after one look.

Plus....they can all be monogramed. Love!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

green smoothie revolution

Just about everyone I know started to drink green smoothies. I just did after having to go off of all dairy and soy for my little one (i'm breastfeeding). I was hesitant at first, but WOW they are amazing. My dietician recommended as she was worried I would not be getting enough nutrients with going off of dairy and soy. There are SO many different reciepes out there. Mine is as follows (and is a little fattier than others, but it's good fat!)

Coco's Green Smoothie

2 cups of water or fotified orange juice
1 cup of coconut, rice or almond milk
1 handful of spinach
2 romaine leaves
1 avocado
1 celery stalk
1 handful of carrots
1 leaf of kale
2 tablespoons of coconut oil

fresh or frozen berries

It makes enough for two days and keeps well for the day after.

half marathon training

In November I'm planning on doing the Space Coast Half Marathon and i've been getting lots of questions about how i'm training (since I'm still breastfeeding and my daughter is 3 months old) My last half I trained pretty quickly, but this time is going to be completely different!

Here is my plan for training while breastfeeding

I plan on doing THIS schedule but doing each week twice. Since I don't have to start this until the end of June until then I'm going to do the 30 day Shred by Jillian Michaels and after that start P90X while running as much and I feel comfortable with.
I will let you know how it goes because I know running while breastfeeding is tricky, but I figure it's worth a try!

Friday, April 20, 2012


I am a sucker for kids in smocked clothing. I recently found Southern Tots. Take a look. They have some adorable kids clothing. We just bought little tutu THIS bunny bubble for Easter next year. It arrived in the mail today and is more adorable in person!